Spare the rod...

I have always been a bit bewildered by the fact that so many on the Christian Right (and even some centrists) seem so intent on following a warmongering path so very much unlike what I imagine Jesus would have supported. WWJD if he were running the country and how would he have responded to 9-11? To me, this has always been at a disconnect with what has so often spewed from their mouths in what essentially boils down to "kill em all in the name of Jesus."
Well, if you are as confused as I and would like to gain some insight, now is your big chance! I suggest you check out this group who provide tools for the home-schooling of your Christian child. I especially urge you to check out their special "chastening instrument" and and free "Spanking Paddle" complete with biblical justification for violence and some prescribed "swatting" guidelines:
1 Swat 2 Swats 3 Swats 4 Swats 5 Swats• Disrespect • Cursing • Cheating
• Lying
• Direct Defiance• Stealing • Endangering someone's safety.
• Taking Drugs
• Smoking
• DrinkingCalibrating your paddle:
Before applying paddle to a child you should determine the force of your swing.
There is only one way to measure effectively - swat yourself on the rump and adjust your swing appropriately.