Sleepy Monday Link Vomit

Bush has done quite a lot of maturing over the last five years. Not only has he learned that China and Russia are both “big,†but also knows that racism still “lingersâ€Â. And he has a plan for victory in the war against racism (insert fake drawl here) – repeal the estate tax. Oh, and get rid of the Voting Rights Act.ÂÂ
On a side note, apparently those unruly coloreds are single-handedly responsible for the Katrina disaster.ÂÂ
My Left Wing has a nicely researched piece on the five major flaws of the Bush economy (or lack thereof).ÂÂ
When everything you stood for goes up in flames, just bury your head in the sand and lie. Sean Hannity runs an online poll asking viewers what they think about WMDs being found in Iraq.ÂÂ
From uber-conservative William F. Buckley, Jr., Bush is not a true conservative and "If you had a European prime minister who experienced what we've experienced it would be expected that he would retire or resign,"ÂÂ
Enjoy this interactive map from Slate on who hates who in the Middle East.ÂÂ
Over the past five years, the Neocons have gone from the house “crazies†to the puppet masters of U.S. foreign policy. Refusing to learn from their past mistakes, they see the crisis in Lebanon as just another golden opportunity to drag us into yet another ill-advised and dangerous war. Go Team America!ÂÂ
As reported by the Baton Rouge Advocate: “Residents of trailer parks set up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to house hurricane victims in Louisiana aren't allowed to talk to the press without an official escort.â€Â Nice.ÂÂ
Now just hold on a sec … everyone knows that Bush is above the law. I mean, we’re fighting a war on terror. Freedom is on the march. 9-11. Bin Laden is a bad dude. Terrorism. September the 11th. Freedom isn’t free.