R.I.P. Cursive

For some reason, cursive never stuck for me. Along with everyone else, I suffered through no less than a few of my formative hours marveling at how my various teachers went loony on me. I mean, after having finally learning how to write the alphabet, we suddenly – and without rationale explanation I might add - were expected to write it in a completely different way. A practice I immediately chucked when they weren’t looking and, short of my incoherent signature, haven’t used in decades.Â
Well, I remember last year I was exploring the possibility of going to law school (a bullet I have since dodged) and had the privilege of sitting for yet another American standardized test known as the LSAT. Part of the security process included a pre-written declaration that you were not taking the test for someone else blah blah blah which you were supposed to copy in longhand and sign. Well hot damn if there were instructions in stern looking bold-type that I must copy this in cursive and block letters would not be accepted. The proctor had very little sympathy for my situation and thought I was just taking the piss. I struggled through, but I swear that whoever verifies those statements must have thought that there was an eight year old somewhere in Paris wanting to get an early start.Â
Anyway, the point of all this drivel is that I was happy to awaken this morning to learn that apparently cursive is dying, defunt, passe – it’s like sooo 1990s dude.