Problems with the site?

If you visited on Sunday, you probably noticed I took the site down to do some upgrades that I'd been putting off for a while. It seems the site has been buggy every since. I thought I had caught most of them, but people are starting to report errors such has pictures covering posts, etc.Â
If you encounter any problems with the site, you would be doing me a big favor by reporting them through the site's contact form. Describe what is happening and, if you could, also tell me what browser and version you are using. It would be much appreciated!

Recent comments
Great shot3 years 33 weeks ago
Love this, perfect time of day3 years 33 weeks ago
He looks like he's about to la3 years 33 weeks ago
wonderful composition !3 years 33 weeks ago
Looks like a great day, perfec3 years 36 weeks ago
Common Misconceptions
Books by Jay
Conflict and Conciliation: Faith and Politics in an Age of Global Dissonance
Despite the peaceful foundations of global monotheistic religions, the broad diversity of interpretations can lead to a sharp paradox regarding the use of force. Inevitably, we must ask ourselves: How can those who ascribe to peaceful beliefs suspend their own moral foundation to beat the drums of war? ... read more

A self-indulgent blog for people just like me - PhD, author, photographer, entrepreneur, husband, father, music-lover, and uber-geek. More about Jay