News about US

Ever wonder what the rest ofthe world is saying about the good ol' you-ess-of-ay? I frequently keep an eye on Watching America - an English-language collection of articles about the U.S. from around the globe. Here is a sample from Iraq's Azzaman:
The reality of the current situation [in Iraq] shows that the ideological underpinnings of America's war creed are based on the control and exploitation of capital, and creating political regimes that respond to the directives of globalization …
The U.S. has abused and tortured Iraqi prisoners, killed peaceful, unarmed demonstrators, arbitrarily arrested Iraqis, detained them indefinitely without conviction and destroyed houses and towns.
Since there is no legal framework to hold them accountable for their crimes in our country, American and British occupation troops do whatever they please with impunity. This situation has put the occupiers above the law. No matter what they do, they cannot be held to account and are outside Iraqi jurisdiction.
Gosh. Dontcha hate it when journalists call it how they see it?