New THF Features!

11 Dec
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I've added a number of features to the site over the weekend:

  • Yippee, we have a chat room!  The interface still seems to be a bit buggy - sometimes it won't load completely - but otherwise it appears to be working well. 
  • I've upgraded the sites email feed, so those who wish to sign up for a daily email of all posts can use the the box on the right (Subscription Tools).  This is a significant improvement over the previous notifications.   Unfortunately, I still can't get it to send video links, so you'll have to visit the site directly for those.  I've also added an atom feed for those RSS snobs.
  • I've upgraded the site's anti-spam measures which should make it easier to post legitimate comments.
I have more upgrades planned for the near future.   In the meantime, let me know via the sites contact button if any problems arise - particularly with the chat room. Share this