Link Vomit bonanza!

Flag burning amendment loses by a single vote. As predicted, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry spent the night dousing Old Glory with tequila and setting her ablaze outside the halls of congress. Party animals.
He’s not Kinky, he’s our governor! “Kinky†Friedman jumps 5 points, but still trailing demon-seed incumbent Rick Perry. If Kinky, then why not Grandma?
Something you just never see on left-wing boards.
Bush terror-scare #4,987 – more B.S.?
Hillary, welcome back. We’ve missed your carefully crafted persona and plastic opinions. Glad you decided to mix it up in the mud with the rest of us.
A corporate scandal that dwarfs Enron?
The rape is almost complete, Iraq. To paraphrase one notorious Texan, ‘you can’t do anything about it so just lay back and enjoy the ride.’ New puppet government considering investment structure allowing 100% foreign ownership with, gulp … tax-free profit transfers? Way to rebuild an economy, bub!
Will Rush’s doctors be held accountable for aiding and abetting his drug addiction?
Ahh, those lazy, crazy days of my youth, putting myself through school schlepping trays around and running to get your drink refills for my meager tips. You people suck. Of course, this was back in those naïve days before blogging. Man I wish I’d done this first!