Fun with Link Vomit

Vicious terrorists in Miami or group of boobs trying to score cool Al-Qu’eda schwag?
Many Iraq war veterans returning to homelessness. Wow, I wonder who cut their benefits? Alas, if only we’d slapped on just a few more yellow bumper magnets.
Bad Boys. Whatcha gonna do? South Carolina State Trooper gets fired for being an unhinged lunatic with a gun. How do you like that trooper cam now?
Limbaugh detained in Palm Beach for smuggling prescription medication in violation of his plea agreement. Claims the prescription was in his doctor’s name to avoid embarrassment. Will he be embracing the evil, pinko-commie ACLU again?
Damnit! My little brother made me gay!
Ned Lamont’s election campaign – If [Lieberman] looks like Bush and acts like Bush, he’s not a Connecticut Democrat. Ouch!
Texas executes innocent man. You know, again.
George Lakoff, Marc Ettlinger and Sam Ferguson make a convincing case for Bush’s (in)competence.
So much for that even split among the peons for an Iraq withdrawal plan.
A ‘perfect storm’ descends upon the nation’s capital. Some sort of biblical cleansing? Payback for the NOLA response maybe? Of course, Pat Buchanan would probably say it was divine retribution for high Democratic poll numbers.