Link Vomit

Well, my longish previous rant aside, I actually have the day off today and want to spend it doing something less aggravating than blogging on the sorry state of my country. So here’s a little link vomit to tide you over:
In Peter Laufer’s new book, Joshua Key, a former U.S. soldier from Oklahoma, describes a “beheading orgy†in which American soldiers were literally playing soccer with the decapitated Iraqis’ heads.
After Cheney returns from a one-man blitz to start a new Cold War, is it any big surprise that the oil-producing states would rise to the occasion and oblige?
Following my previous post on comparing Bush to Hitler, Tristero has (in distrurbing flashback style) laid out the entire slippery slope of TalibAmerica's homophobic marriage ammendment.
From C & L: "Bill Kristol was discussing recent comments made by Irainian Supreme Leader Ali Khameni -- then in mid-comment, Kristol stopped himself and said, with no hint of irony, "Maybe we should have Supreme Leader Bush. I kind of like the sound of that." Go check out the video.
Kos points out how the big telecoms are now casting the Net Neutrality debate as a clash between left whackos and rational centrists. Of course, if by centrists you mean greedy corporations who are determined to rob consumers and stifle innovation while we fall behind the rest of the world in broadband capabilities.
Judge tells Libby defense to get their greedy mitts out of the cookie jar.
Unless we find a way to make the right-wingers heads explode, enjoy your last chance to see these creatures.