Link Vomit
01 Jun
I'm always stuck with a bunch of bookmarks at the end of the day that interest me but, for whatever reason, I either don't have time or don't feel creative enough to write an entire post on. So I think I'll make this a regular feature.
- It's confirmed: Rolling Stone will be publishing a major article by Robert Kennedy Jr. (who formerly investigated the coverup of the mercury/autism connection ) about the theft of 350,000 votes in Ohio and how the GOP actively stole the election. UPDATE: The article is now online here. Helluva read.
- Wonkette exposes the meat industry's push to link vegetarianism with homosexuality.
- Media Matters eviscerates the myth of the supposed liberal media bias.
- Bush hearts the nuke smugglers.
- Digby has great post on Cheney's schoolboy lust for presidential power.
- Exposing the spin on welfare's persistent poverty argument. Also, if you haven't already, be sure to read The Conservative Nanny State.
- Poor Bush, he just can't seem to stop that evil democracy in South America.
- Bush caught lying on video. How can you tell? Because his lips are moving.