Lieberman's last throes?

It’s like when Darth Vader practically begs Luke to strike him down and complete his journey into the dark side. Lieberman has finally completed his metamorphosis into a simpering, partisan Republican hack, complete with the Rovian election bag o’ tricks including characterizing a vote for your opponent as support for Osama bin Laden:
Lieberman said that this race is about whether the Democratic Party “will accept a diversity of opinion†on national security. He defined himself as a Democrat in the mold of John F. Kennedy, Harry S Truman and Bill Clinton – that is, one with “a real socially progressive record, and strong on national security.â€Â
He said a victory for Lamont will send a message to the country: “In the Democratic Party, there’s no room for strong-on-security Dems.†He said that would be disastrous for the Democrats. “You can’t win in this country,†he said, “unless you assure people" that you aren’t going to compromise on national security. He said he has backed the war on terror because he never forgets about the “radical Islamic terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and want to do it again.â€Â
So after wiffle-waffling-flippidity-floppling on his Iraq/Bush positions, suddenly he’s the only thing standing between us and the vicious brown killas? What a disgusting and pathetic disfigurement of morality this man has developed. I can’t wait to wake up to tomorrow’s headlines and watch him squirm and spin how a majority of his own constituency is actually in league with Al-Qa’eda. Of course, when you have the demonic confederacy of FOX News behind you, then you know you must be walking the path of light.
But wait, that’s not all (insert Crazy Eddie voice here), we also have a very special October Surprise – if Lamont would peel back his latex mask, he would reveal himself to be none other than Marshall, the quirky computer hacker from the hit series Alias:“For the past 24 hours the Friends for Joe Lieberman’s website and email has been totally disrupted and disabled, we believe that this is the result of a coordinated attack by our political opponents. The campaign has notified the US Attorney and the Connecticut Chief State’s Attorney and the campaign will be filing a formal complaint reflecting our concerns. The campaign has also notified the State Attorney General Dick Blumenthal for his review.â€Â
“We call on Ned Lamont to make an unqualified statement denouncing this kind of dirty campaign trick and to demand whoever is responsible to cease and desist immediately. Any attempt to suppress voter participation and undermine the voting process on Election Day is deplorable and has no place in our democracy.â€Â
Hat tip to doublespeak for the screenshot link. Incidentally, the AP ran with the story without one. single. mention. of the Lamont campaign’s immediate denial:
Apparently the Lieberman campaign is pushing a story that we have coordinated an attack against their website. Not a chance. Here’s the unqualified statement Sean Smith has called for.
If Senator Lieberman’s website was indeed hacked, we had absolutely no part in it, denounce the action, and urge whoever is responsible cease and desist immediately. It is our sincerest wish that everyone planning to vote for Ned Lamont or Joe Lieberman does so today.
Connecticut has become nothing less than a partisan spectacle of dirty tricks and media complicity. If you live in Connecticut and are left with any lingering doubt as to whether this is the man you want representing you, it’s time to turn off your computer (and put some pants on, for crissakes) and go vote!
For the rest of you, FDL has promised some local liveblogging as the story develops.