Libby: Leftly Leaning - Wednesday, January 24th

BooMan points out why the defense may be relying on smokescreens and red herrings. Short version: Libby has less chance of acquittal than Orville Redenbacher has of branching into the canned soup market.
In any case, TPM reader LG reminds us that while the White House may indeed be scapegoating to protect Rove, this in no way absolves Libby of the charges for which he stands accused. And one has to wonder if a presidential pardon will forthcoming even after Libby delivers Rove and Cheney with a side of fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti?
Over at Hullabaloo, Digby sees Libby’s trial as illuminating a White House divided between two power centers and anticipates a barrage of evidence that Cheney has been running a shadow government from the beginning. Alongside speculation that the president may be forced to demand Cheney’s resignation, Digby also prognosticates the inevitable GOP attack machine gunning hard for Fitzgerald over the next few weeks.
Given the trail of testimony apparently leading to Cheney’s office, Wonkette offers this “Healing Scenario†for the State of the Union Address (hint: Pelosi’s hiding the warrant under her skirt).
John Amato from C&L considers a possible relationship between Ari Fleischer’s invocation of the Fifth Amendment and his truncated career as White House mouthpiece. For an added bonus, Nicole Belle posts a video update from Christy and Marcy.
Christy Hardin Smith offers a solid summary of Judge Walton’s charge to the jury and opening statements from both sides. Don’t forget to read on for an “interesting tidbit†from the government’s first witness, former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Marc Grossman.
With the mainstream media so intrinsically enmeshed the Libby trial, Wendy Hoke at Creative Ink notes that this is the kairotic moment for the ascendancy of a “citizen media†to balance the primary analysis.
James Joyner observes an interesting rhetorical diminution in the defense team’s references to Valerie Plame likening it to a nostalgic romp down Lewinsky Lane. Also, Joyner questions the wisdom of a confrontational cross for a witness so clearly cooperating with the case.
Finally, From the Desk of Patrick Fitzgerald posts examples of Libby’s schedule noting that he was no busier than Grossman, yet somehow one of these men needed no reminder to tell the truth.