Libby: Leftly Leaning - Tuesday, February 8th

With “reputations and fig leaves falling left and right,†Pachacutec splays open the claim that partisan bloggers can’t be trusted – “There are no virgins here, folks. Everyone around this trial has an agenda, including every media outlet.â€
On Democrats.comUnity, dlindorff notes that Kristof’s call for Cheney to come clean should also be extended to the president and presents a litany of questions the public has a right to know.
Jeff Lomonaco examines the implications surrounding a surprise revelation that Wolfowitz was in this scandal at least up to his ankles. Also, some further exploration of Bush’s collusion in the pushback against Wilson.
Wonkette blogs about CourtTV blogging about bloggers blogging about Libby – yowza, I need to sit down!
Following 15 minutes of blogular fame, Politblogo explores the layers of ‘meta’ surrounding the Libby case and offers some tough love for the Democratic Party’s complicity with a system that allows for such crimes, metacrimes, and metametacrimes.
Finally, Jeralyn notes the blogosphere’s role in sustaining a story the MSM would have rather seen dead.