Jebus hearts net neutrality

Network Neutering neutrality has found an ally in the Christian Coalition.
What if a cable company with a pro-choice Board of Directors decides that it doesn't like a pro-life organization using its high-speed network to encourage pro-life activities? Under the new rules, they could slow down the pro-life web site, harming their ability to communicate with other pro-lifers - and it would be legal.
Cursor seems to think this is some sort of shocking alliance. But this is the beauty of free speech - it's for everyone! You may not agree with the message some is trying to convey, the products they are trying to sell, or the cult they are trying to create, but they damn well have a right to be there. The entire point of the internet is global democracy in action (or inaction for some ) and I have as much of a right to spout off as Sid the Skinhead , Carl the Comedian , or Bush the Bumbler .