It's about time!

23 Jun
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Finally somebody got around to publishing an urban etiquette guide for all the hicks mucking up the streets. Some examples:

  • (1) No raking women with your eyes; glance quickly and respectfully.
  • (2) Offer to share a taxi rather than fight over it.
  • (3) Babies in strollers get right-of-way—until they abuse it.
  • (4) Still no ogling girls—c’mon!
  • (5) And skateboarding, are you kidding me?
  • (6) Not everybody loves your dog as much as you do.
  • (7) No bicycling on the sidewalk unless under the age of 6.
  • (8) Pedestrians can die of secondhand smoke, too.

To this list I would implore that people begin treating the sidewalk the same as the highway – i.e. if you want to stop suddenly and gawk at something, pull the hell over!

Now if only somebody would publish an etiquette guide on tipping, driving, sending email, and talking to service people. Hey, while we’re at it, how about an etiquette guide on frakking up the planet with pre-emptive strikes on small countries which pose no threat for personal and political gain?

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