It’s Techie Tuesday and I am A-Ga-Ga over this concept phone from Mozilla Labs

Holy Guacamole, can you say ‘Want’?! This video, produced by Billy May of Mozilla Labs, is a crowd-sourced wishlist of technological ambrosia based entirely on existing technology. The Mozilla Seabird is envisaged as an Andoid-based operating system running “an 8 megapixel camera, dual side pico projectors, wireless charging, and an embedded Bluetooth dongle,” this phone has everything you need to finally shed your laptop and impress people who are impressed by this kind of tom-geekery. Mozilla is clear that the phone is concept-only – something they have no plans to develop – but it definitely raises the bar for the next big iPhone killer. Warning: this video will forever ruin any love-affair you might have with your phone – which might not be a bad thing you sicko-pervert.
h/t GAS

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