History Repeats History Repeats History...

Hurrican season is upon us and FEMA has still failed to secure any coordinated leadership .ÂÂ
Chertoff said the agency is still working to confirm a regional director to oversee a seven-state region that includes the nation's most frequent hurricane targets.
Three other regions - the Gulf Coast, the mid-Atlantic and the northern plains states - lack permanent directors, although experienced interim officials are in charge.
I can readily admit that I've never trusted, liked, or even much tolerated Bush's presence in government. I was living in Austin while he was governor, so my distaste for the man has roots very much pre-dating his presidency. However, I have to say that were his policies or competence tolerable in any aspect, I could look past his irritating smirk and priviliged hubris. However, the guy just makes tragic mistake after mistake and just never learns. Even this might be somewhat humerous were it not that people - real people - die for his mistakes.