Hey bin Laden, check out our troop movements!

Ahh, the days of yesteryear when our fearless national guardian was careful not to reveal too much lest our enemies catch on:Â
O'REILLY: Now Brian Ross of ABC said — reported the CIA water boarded Mohammed. That is dunked him in water, tied him down and then that broke him. Is that true?
BUSH: We don't talk about techniques. And the reason we don't talk about techniques is because we don't want the enemy to be able to adjust. We're in a war.
Yes, we don’t want our enemies to be able to adjust to our torture techniques. If they know that we routinely waterboard suspects, then they might surgically implant gills into the sides of their America-hating necks. Troop movements on the other hand…hell, bring it on!Â
The speech, followed by a 35-minute question-and-answer session with the audience, marked a subtle change in how Bush is making his case for his decision to intensify U.S. engagement in the increasingly unpopular war.Â
The president delved deeper into details of his Iraq strategy than he usually does in such appearances, using the monitors to illustrate troop movements and to show photographs conveying the horror of the violence in Iraq. He promised more detailed reports on Iraq during speeches in coming weeks.Â
I guess the element of surprise isn’t worth much of a premium these days.