Got the No Dublin Pics blues?

Apologies to those of you missing Friday Dublin Pics last week. I’m happy to report some significant progress on my doctoral thesis and I didn’t feel like breaking momentum to blog. Or go out and shoot any new pics. Or shower. Just kidding!
Or am I?
No, really, I’m joking with you. I mean, c’mon! Do you really think I would allow myself to get that obsessed that I actually forget to shower? Of course I would, I mean, umm … I would, wouldn’t! Damn! Freudian slip there! But all jokes aside, I wouldn’t. Final answer.
I think.
And ... that’s quite enough of that. But seriously, I think I might just go ahead and Change Friday Dublin Pics to Phriday Photoblogging – at least that way I can recycle old vacation photos if nothing else. Yup, lazy bastard I know. But hey, it’s not like I get paid for this, now is it?!