Fun with Link Vomit

More news in the American Taliban’s war against contraception. Never mind that “90 percent of Americans support the use of contraception.â€Â Forget that even “90 percent of Catholics support contraception.â€Â This is all about keeping dirty sinners from having sex.ÂÂ
Speak softly unintelligibly and carry a big stick attack dog. “President Bush told the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case that he directed Vice President Dick Cheney to personally lead an effort to counter allegations made by former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV that his administration had misrepresented intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraqâ€ÂÂÂ
So much for that Bush bounce. After a national madness spanning several years, looks like the American people are finally growing weary of King George the W.ÂÂ
Looks like we have another contested election in the America’s. A dangerous trend showing not only a stark division among the population, but also a diminished credibility in modern electoral systems. With both sides declaring victory, it reminds me of when Bush, in one of the most despicable acts of hubris, went on the TeeVee before the supreme court decision and told us lowly plebes that it was time to accept the fact that he was in charge whether we liked it or not.ÂÂ
It’s not only America’s birthday, but also the 40th birthday of one of the most symbolically important precepts of democratic conventions – the Freedom of Information Act. Jimmy Carter celebrates FoIA by gracing us with this article.ÂÂ
The right had better get used to the fact that the festering stench of the 2004 election is not going away.