From the Rev. Dr. Ann Coulter

Enjoy this interview on religion with the very Reverend Coultergeist. Some highlights (in no particular order):
When you say that most liberals don't believe in God, what is your evidence? According to a Fox News poll last year, 92 percent of Americans believe in God. And nearly half of Americans voted Democratic in the 2004 election. So doesn't that suggest that most liberals do believe in God?
First let me say that I think it's terrific to hear a journalist citing a Fox News poll as authoritative evidence and would like to encourage this development. I don't say “most liberals don't believe in Godâ€Â; I say liberalism is a godless religion. Some liberals don't understand the underlying religious dogma and principles of liberalism--if they did, they would flee the building.
You write: "Liberalism is a comprehensive belief system denying the Christian belief in man's immortal soul." Yet our Beliefnet polls show that 58.7% of Democrats believe in life after death. Doesn't that disprove your statement?
No, I think it proves it--58.7% of all Democrats? That's pathetic. Also, you forgot to ask them the follow-up question: Is that because you hope to come back as a snail darter?
You devote four of your eleven chapters to evolution, and say that Darwin's theory of evolution is "about one notch above Scientology in scientific rigor." So what do you think really happened? Did God create the world in six days? Did he create each species separately? Did he set a chain of causation in motion? Did he "cause" evolution in the sense that all the species are related to each other but God guided their descent?
These are unanswerable questions--except the latter. God did not "cause" evolution because evolution doesn't exist. Thus, for example, He also didn't "cause" unicorns. My faith and reason tell me that God created the world and I'm not particularly interested in the details. I'll find out when I meet my Maker.
And the most disgusting one of all:
While I agree with you that the "Jersey Girls" turned themselves into political opportunists, one of your statements about them does strike me as over the top: "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." By contrast, you admit the genuine nature of Cindy Sheehan's grief, even though you're pretty hard on her--and you haven't been criticized for what you said about her. Is there anything you've said about the 9/11 widows that you wish you hadn't said?
Well as long as you bring it up, I think Cindy Sheehan is enjoying the celebrity status her son's death afforded her too. Thanks for pointing that out--I'll correct it in the paperback edition.
There are many, many more for your jaw-dropping pleasure.