Friday Link Vomit

Lance Corporal "Daniel" intentionally fails a drug test to avoid going back to Iraq and First Lieutenant Ehran Watada details how the U.S. army is trying to silence his dissent. Meanwhile, as the death-toll hits another milestone, the San Diego Naval Medical Center is opening up a new wing to deal with the extra volume of combat wounded.
Klan members everywhere would agree, there's nothin' better than a good bonfire! Homophobic arsonists stage book burning in Chicago.
Colbert calls out Congressman Lynn Westmoreland for pushing 10 commandments legislation when he can't even name them! Just like this joker in South Carolina who is trying to ban sex toys while admitting that he doesn't know what they are.
More on the electoral security breaches in California's 50th.
Judge tells Cheney to 'go Cheney himself' and that "embarrassment is not sufficient cause for exemption" from the FOIA request.
Finally, score another one for the netroots - DoubleSpeak helps oust another D.C. bigot.
Happy weekend to all, and to all a good Friday!