Friday Link Vomit

Digby considers the implications of California’s 50th district election while Truthout says the victory is actually a GOP loss. Meanwhile, BradBlog is hot on the trail of voter fraud casting doubt on the outcome and a GAO inquiry finds fault with the 2004 election.
Reports have emerged indicating that George Bush the First was behind a secret attempt to oust Donald Rumsfeld while Countdown suggests that Zarqawi’s death may be just what the doctor ordered.
First Lt. Ehren Watada says “Hell no, I won’t go†and would rather go to jail than go back to Iraq. “It's not that I disagree with this war. It's that this war is unlawful." Meanwhile, the Pentagon is fighting the war one terror by data mining your MySpace and Friendster profiles.
Vanity Fair publishes perhaps the most complete story to date on Bush’s Yellowcake, “The War They Wanted, The Lies They Needed.â€Â
PBS explored whether the auto and oil industries conspired to kill the electric car. Maybe that explains Republicans renewed attempts to cut PBS off at the knees.
Yet another GOP congressman is implicated in a corruption probe.
Specter and Cheney are on the outs. This is what happened when bad guys form an alliance of evil; eventually they will turn on one another.
And finally, far be it to admit that the economy is in the toilet for most Americans, Bush tries to suppress a regular survey of poverty and income.