Friday Dublin Pics

This has been a truly crazy week for me. I came back with some kind of Danish head cold, thought that was ok since I was due for me annual Irish one anyway. But it seems like I shut down during one of the most interesting weeks of the GOP's apparent implosion. Against the backdrop of the Foley scandal, "sharply" rising U.S. casualties in Iraq, ever-more mystery bodies turning up tortured in Baghdad, a report that Rumsfeld has killed almost 700,000 Iraqis , U.S. soldiers murdering a journalist and, oh yeah, that little ol' double nuclear detonation topping off six years of Bush's dismal failure in dealing with North Korea, we finish up the week with this little gem documenting that the Bushies may not be so chummy with the "Boorish" and "Nuts" Christian Right after all. Seriously, Hollywood can't even come up with a farce this clever!
Anyway, didn't feel like venturing out much this week for photos, so I present you with a couple of old pics I took on Trinity Campus. Enjoy!