Friday Dublin, er... Copenhagen Pics

So I have returned much triumphant from my trip to Denmark. It was a fairly sleepy, quiet town now that the carnival is over. Definitly a good place to get some rest. And who knows, maybe they party-hearty after this old man goes to bed? Oh, and to answer the question I posed last week? In Denmark, they call a Danish dee-licious!
Apparently, leaving a ‘going away’ notice on your blog is actually an invitation to barrage the site with porn and pharmaceutical ads. Apologies for that, I think I’ve gotten it all now. But as my friend Tom says, “if I ever want to find black/asian midget muff diving lesbian butt banging incestuous donkey fuckers, I know where to go.â€
Well, as you might have expected, I brought back a few pictures. Hope nobody minds them supplanting the Friday Dublin pics.
Copenhagen has a really great zoo - an enterprise I've been quite disillusioned with since Barcelona. Copenhagen is putting tremendous focus on habitat reproduction and the animals definitely seem a good deal happier and less stressed. This little fella just kept lookin’ at me – think I smelled nice?
Of course, as the much ballyhooed children’s book tells us, everybody poops. Rhino’s are no exception. Although I wonder if we really needed it spelled out for us? BTW, if any of youread Danish, I would LOVE to know what this says!
Parliament, I think? Funny when you get architecture burnout. Any one of these buildings if located near me would be something to gawk at. But here I don’t even bother to learn what I’m looking at!
And I can’t POSSIBLY leave you all without a little homoerotic, hermaphroditic worship play to take home with ya' (sorry for the dark pic, it was night and I am no photographer!).
The little mermaid. She’s sad because apparently vandals have cut off her head. Twice.
Thought this was some nice graffiti.
Yup, that about says it all.
Finally, one of Copenhagen’s many canals.