Forget boycotting. It's time to break Arizona

I'm surprised how many people I would ordinarily consider sane are finding creative ways to rationalize the insanity driving Klu Klux Klarizona's (crappy pun for a crappy legislature) new immigration enforcement policy (yeah, you know who you are). With a straight face, some have even chastised me as though I should be accustomed to carrying paperwork as a guest in a foreign country (btw - no paperwork needed) and then have the audacity to act as though I am hyperbolic in suggesting that the law dismantles the fourth amendment in deference to criminalizing skin color. Millions of lawful residents - and yes, born and bred American citizens - are being targeted here to assuage the xenophobia stoked by the election of a black president. I thought Robert Greenwald highlighted the hipocrisy best:
I'm probably not going to get pulled over and questioned about my
citizenship while driving in Arizona. I'm probably not going to have to
carry my birth certificate in my car to prove I was born in the United
States. And let's be honest: The only reason this is true is because
I am not a Latino.
Exactly. Let's be honest here - if we were having a problem with illegal Canadian workers, this law would never have passed because nobody wants to profile white people.
So after decades of being either ignored or used as a political football by mainstream politicians, it's great to see Latinos starting to get organized, but screw boycotting Arizona. Does anyone honestly believe that the state would miss any of the kind of people that would bother? No, Arizona's government has crossed the line and needs to be broken. Here's a good start. If you have brown skin or even if you can just speak with a plausible - grab some summer vacation time, grab a plane, train, or automobile and head down to Arizona. Spend the day at the park, in the mall, or driving up and down main street. Make yourself seen. Get pulled over. If you want to lop this atrocity off at the knees then you gotta take it to the only thing these people understand. Money. Make this law unenforceable and it goes away. Yeah ... it's that easy.
Oh, and note for the Democratic party. You want a winner for 2010, time to hop on board. You've done little to nothing to woo Latinos but now's your chance. The only reason not to is if you're worried about pissing off the racist right and guess what - they ain't votin' for ya anyways.

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