Don't mess with the System

Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty defended the fact that counter-terrorism programs have effectively set up a dragnet in which over half of those arrested have no connection whatsoever to terrorism by saying that:
The enforcement of immigration laws, identity theft, identity related laws, financial support, security access - enforcement of crimes associated with those issues is important even if there isn't information specifically tying a particular subject to a national security threat. Why? Because those systems are so vital to us in securing our country, and it's the exploitation of those systems that we have seen as a method of operation for terrorism.  So we do put some emphasis on making sure that - and I would say renewed emphasis or special emphasis in recent years in going after things like document fraud crime.
Video here. So basically, anybody that poses a threat to the System, whatever that means, is fair game under the terrorism laws. Anybody who voted for Bush in 2004 asked for a police state and that's exactly what they got. Any they're dragging the rest of us along for the ride.