Coup d'etat 2004

I promised to write more on RFK’s article when I had a chance, but I really don’t know what to say. The entire thing is so well-researched and heart-wrenching that words are literally failing me.
I can say that anyone who reads this article and believes the election wasn’t stolen is willfully deluding themselves. In some cases, the theft occurred at the highest levels, but there is zero doubt in my mind that a Republican elite – hired thugs from Texas as well as hired thugs in office – participated in a concerted conspiracy to disenfranchise Democratic voters from Ohio. The result is the theft of more than a critical mass of voted that should have won Kerry the election through Ohio alone without even considering the damage done in other states.
Obviously, the MSM is vastly complicit in this effort. There is way too much to clip, so just go read the article and you’ll see what I mean. Kennedy cites fear as the main reason investigative journalists turned such a blind eye to the problem. But I think the real reason is that the truth – that a coup d’etat took place in 2004 – is just too difficult to stomach. I believe most Americans are fundamentally lazy and apathetic to begin with, but when we are not even informed by the MSM about what took place, how could we ever expect ourselves to begin the real work.
And let’s pretend, now that we know better, that we decided to do something about it. The implications are astounding. The past two years should never have occurred. Torture rendition, the breakdown with Iran, civil war in Iraq, NSA spying scandal – all of these things would have been dealt with in a vastly different manner. A better manner. If they even occurred at all. What are we to do now? Remove Bush from office, repeal every bill he signed into law, simply advance to Go and start fresh? The mind boggles.
And when a president with a 29% approval rating delivers upset GOP victories in 2006 , will we then decide to get off our asses and do something? Or will we just grumble about it and wait for 2008. And 2010. And 2012...