Call yo' Senator, foo!
24 Jul

As the courts reject the DOJ’s bid to dismiss the NSA lawsuits, Specter is doing everything he can to roll over to his alpha dog master.ÂÂ
Specter’s outright legalization compromise on the make Bush a King NSA spying bill is heading to committee. If your Senator is on this list and you haven’t already called, please please please take a moment to oppose this bill. If you make only one phone call in your life, well … call your mother. But if you make two, then make this the second!ÂÂ
- ·      Arlen Specter, Chairman - Pennsylvania - Fax (202) 228-1229
- ·      Orrin G. Hatch - Utah - Fax (202) 224-6331
- ·      Patrick J. Leahy - Vermont - Fax (202) 224-3479
- ·      Charles E. Grassley - Iowa - Fax (515) 288-5097
- ·      Edward M. Kennedy - Massachusetts - Fax (202) 224-2417
- ·      Jon Kyl - Arizona - Fax (202) 224-2207
- ·      Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Delaware - Fax (202) 224-0139
- ·      Mike DeWine - Ohio - Fax (202) 224-6519
- ·      Herbert Kohl - Wisconsin - Fax (202) 224-9787
- ·      Jeff Sessions - Alabama - Fax (202) 224-3149
- ·      Dianne Feinstein - California - Fax (202) 228-3954
- ·      Lindsey Graham - South Carolina - Fax (864) 250-4322
- ·      Russell D. Feingold - Wisconsin - Fax (202) 224-2725
- ·      John Cornyn - Texas - Fax (972) 239-2110
- ·      Charles E. Schumer - New York - Fax (202) 228-3027
- ·      Sam Brownback - Kansas - Fax (202) 228-1265
- ·      Richard J. Durbin - Illinois - Fax (202) 228-0400