Bush on everything that really matters

The President of the United States. POTUS. The voice of the free world coming to us through the awesome power of the radio. Will he soothe our troubled brows about Iraq, Haditha, Iran, Afghanistan, and the War on Terror? Will he offer a healing salve for our souls in this troubled economy and rising deficit? Will he set our minds at ease by eradicating corruption in the government? Yes! Absolutely! All these things and more. If, of course, by all that you mean stopping fags from getting married.
"Marriage cannot be cut off from its cultural, religious, and natural roots without weakening this good influence on society," he said.
A vote on the proposed amendment is scheduled next week in the U.S. senate, but it is not considered likely to pass.
An amendment to the U.S. Constitution needs to pass both houses of Congress with a two-thirds majority, and needs the approval of 38 states.
Bush made a similar call to ban gay marriage more than two years ago in February 2004.
"Attempts to redefine marriage ... could have serious consequences," he said at the time.
I'm still waiting, by the way, for somebody, anybody to get specific about what exactly those consequences would be. Well, at least someone is talking about issues that really matter instead of whether or not Batwoman needs to escape to Canada in order to get hitched.