Body armor? Nah, let's build a really cool wall instead!

After five years of incompetence in the War on Terror, a major American city still in shambles, and a skyrocketing national debt, Bush decides to divert billions from Iraq in order to better fight the War on Terrorism Mexico.
The money was diverted at the behest of the White House in a last-minute bid to address growing political unrest about illegal immigration. The Office of Management and Budget championed the change without input from the Army or the Marine Corps whose budgets were sliced, a Pentagon budget official told United Press International last week.
'It was done in a 24-hour period, and presented as a fait accompli,' the official said.
The Senate accepted the offer 'without recognizing they were shorting the very people fighting the war,' the official said.
'You can`t tell me that illegal aliens coming across the border pose the same kind of threat to national security as insurgents in Anbar do against Marines,' the official said.
Growing political unrest? Chimpy created this mess and now suddenly realizes he might have to actually pay for it? Too bad that after five years of fiscal malfeasance the coffers have run dry. This is nothing but an election year strategy to distract voters from the growing disaster in Iraq. Unfortunately, it is once again going to be our soldiers who have to face the consequences of Bush’s tragic incompetence. How are those tax cuts looking now?