Anti-abortion baby killer?

17 Jul
Printer-friendly versionSend by emailPDF versionBush believes in a culture of life for the unborn, but out comes the veto pen when it comes to life-saving stem-cell research. Oh, and now little sick kids:

The White House said on Saturday that President Bush would veto a bipartisan plan to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program, drafted over the last six months by senior members of the Senate Finance Committee.

The vow puts Mr. Bush at odds with the Democratic majority in Congress, with a substantial number of Republican lawmakers and with many governors of both parties, who want to expand the popular program to cover some of the nation’s eight million uninsured children.

Tony Fratto, a White House spokesman, said: “The president’s senior advisers will certainly recommend a veto of this proposal. And there is no question that the president would veto it.”

The program, which insured 7.4 million people at some time in the last year, is set to expire Sept. 30.

Leave no child behind, sure, but a littel case of rickets never hurt anyone.

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