I heard a rumor a while back that FOX was trying to roll out a right-wing doppelganger for The Daily Show. Well, all the nail-biting and eager anticipation be quelled – The ½ Hour Comedy News Hour has finally reared its ugly mug (FNC leaked a clip to drudge). And a virtual torrent of accolades have been flooding the internets all morning:
Hal Boedeker, The Orlando Sentinal [1]: Fox News Channel does not know how to do slashing comical commentary … It is a botch. "The 1/2 Hour News Hour" does not comment on what is happening; it simply takes swipes at people … Laughter, of an awfully canned variety, greets all the gags. Nothing happening on screen justifies these outbursts … Fox News Channel will offer a second episode at 10 p.m. March 4. If we're lucky, we'll never hear of this dreadful show again.
Bob Cesca, The Huffington Post [2]: If they're going to leak a segment of the show, they should have avoided what is rumored to be a laugh track. I'm not sure why they didn't run through the show with an actual laughing audience, but I could probably fire off a list of reasons. The first being that, as we all know, there aren't many funny Republicans … Republicans are good at certain things -- making trains run on time for one. And they can certainly appreciate good comedy. They just can't create it.
Will Bunch, Attywood [3]: Good grief … Was there a joke in there? The humor here sort of reminds me of Mad magazine, which I used to devour when I was 11 -- except that Mad was often funny. Right-wing humor must be like a dog whistle -- you have to be a conservative to get it. If you're going to be on the line of mildly (to maybe more than mildly) offensive about the only black man running for president, you'd better make damned sure that it's funny … This just hangs there, like -- well, like so much B.O. The real kind.
Personally, I think the idea of a conservative comedy show is long past due. Comedy is undoubtedly one of the few arenas in which we can more easily connect with one another and I would be thrilled if conservatives would finally jump on the bandwagon and learn how to laugh at the human condition.
The problem is not so much that the show lacks any comedic … well, let’s face it, it’s like listening to a 6-year old regaling you with fart jokes. No, the problem with this is that conservativism is not funny. Not these days. Not by a long shot. The brand name of conservatism a la William F. Buckley, etc. has long since been hijacked. Like it or not, true social/fiscal conservatives have allowed themselves through sheer acquiescence to become defined by some of the darkest elements in society.
Decades ago, a conservative believed in small government and fiscal responsibility, eschewed social engineering and interventionist nation building, and while their methods may have differed, in most ways they shared the same long-term goals as the rest of us. Today, a conservative is a bitter, overweight drug addict who publicly ridicules the sick and disabled [4]. A conservative is a woman bloated with ambition who lies to congress [5] in order to drag our country deeper into conflict. A conservative is a dangerous fascist seeking to create a list of women [6] who have had abortions. A conservative is an armed xenophobic vigilante [7] who has taken it upon himself to guard against illegal immigrants. And a conservative is a dark, soulless coward who publicly condones waterboarding [8] from the most respected office in the country.
Is it fair that these people now define conservativism? Not by a long shot. Is it a double-standard? Maybe. But it’s true. Conservatives sold out their ideals to the most sensationalist elements and these new conservatives (and so-called neoconservatives) have ushered [9] us into an uglier [10] world. No matter how much they try, how badly they may want it, these things will never be funny. They aren’t even in the same ballpark as funny. In fact, they are so far outside that they are starting to wonder if the ballpark ever really existed.
Bottom line: The ½ Hour News Hour stole my funny and I want it back. After watching this clip, I am now operating at a funny deficit. But then again, I suppose creating deficits is something they’re really good at.
See, now that’s funny!
[1] http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_tvblog/2007/02/fox_news_channe.html
[2] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-cesca/step-away-from-the-jokes_b_41268.html
[3] http://www.attytood.com/2007/02/fncs_rightwing_humor_cocaineus.html
[4] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/24/AR2006102400691.html
[5] http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070214/pl_nm/iran_usa_dc
[6] http://www.breitbart.com/news/2007/02/14/D8N9LFT00.html
[7] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/15/AR2006031501766.html
[8] http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/09/11/matt-lauer-goes-after-bush-over-secret-prisons-and-torture/
[9] http://ezraklein.typepad.com/blog/2007/02/why_does_americ.html
[10] http://www.bobharris.com/content/view/1302/1/
[11] http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthehindsightfactor.com%2Fthe_tragedy_of_fox_news_comedy&linkname=The%20Tragedy%20of%20FOX%20News%20Comedy
[12] http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=31662970&Mytoken=BCC3040F-6328-435C-B8532D58B907BF2448111853
[13] http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=25319004
[14] http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=5551736&Mytoken=11CEF368-97DC-40EE-968D13A99C31DB298617322
[15] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/blog/2005/10/13/BL2005101300885.html
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
And I really don't get this idea that Fox News has anyway. This new "comedy" show is going to be based on actual news stories but rather than reporting on the whole story, they will focus in on one specific facet of the story and manipulate it. Ok, isn't that basically what they do anyway? Except now it's going to have bad jokes, anicdotes and punchlines to go with it. Who's going to be their anchor? Jay Leno's retiring from the Tonight Show and I think he'd be perfect. Because when I think of bad conservative comedy, I think of Jay Leno.
You have to understand con comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Apparently Rush Limbaugh is president, and Ann Coulter is vice president.
And guess who is creator/producer of the show? The executive producer of the show 24, so any liberal Jack Bauer fans, sorry ;-).
This only proves Fox news is no more a news channel than president bush is intelligent.
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
If you recognize that most media is biased one way or the other, why would you depend on one outlet as your sole source of news? Not necessarily you personally, because I don't know whether or not you watch more than Fox news, but the majority of the mindless Fox news followers refuse to watch anything else for fear that they will be tainted by a *gasp* liberal point of view. You need to be able to see both sides of an issue to determine for yourself what is the truth, rather than blindly believing one source as the end all, be all of truth.
And, back to the point of the original post, I think Fox news is very comedic - their ignorant opinions and views have been making me laugh for a long time now.
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
FOX news makes commical commentary everytime they report on the White House. It may not be slashing but the bullshit spins they put on the truth are definitely COMICAL.
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
A: They gather all their hate into a pile and jump off.
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
Haven't seen it yet, but will now because of this rant.
It's too bad that we can have a dozen of channels, including NPR, poking fun at conservatives but one going against the OTHER side is called glorified playground names.
Re: The Tragedy of FOX News Comedy
As I said at the beginning of the post, I would very much welcome a conservative comedy show. My "glorified playground names" are directed towards the show not because they are poking "fun" of liberals, but because their comedy is about the people and not the issues. When was the last time you saw the Daily Show comment on somebody's body odor (especially when there is no evidence they even have a problem with it).
My point is that this show demeans conservatives by relegating their humor to the base of fart jokes and ad hominom attacks without any attempt to place the humor within any intelligent context.